One of my neighbours knocked my door this morning and said "There is a dead tortoiseshell on my next door neighbour' lawn." Luckily for me, I could see Cassie under a bush in the front garden, but accompanied June up the road, as neither she or her elderly neighbour knew what to do, I picked her up. Poor little girl had her throat ripped out. I put her in a bin liner and knocked at all the houses that I knew owned cats. No-one seems to be missing a kitty, although I have seen her sunning herself on local lawns. Beautiful, tiny black tortie with white belly and paws. A couple of people said that they heard a great commotion about 3am this morning. I have taken her to the local Vet Hospital, hopefully she was chipped as I can't find the owner. A horrendous death. Play hard on The Bridge, little pretty girl!