
Title Description Total Links
The Fantasic CatChat siteThe rescue & rehoming site that brought so many of us together and has been our home for years.
Lost & Found Cat SitesSearch for or report lost & found cats6
Cat Health, Behaviour & AdviceSites for Cat Health & Behaviour with great Advice19
Pet SittersRecomended Pet sitters5
Vet Supplies & Recomended PracticesVet Stuff3
Other Cat ForumsJoin in the fun at these other great cat forums9
Rescue and Rehoming Around the CountryLinks to Rescues and Rehoming around the country.6
Online Cat supplies & Shopping Sites to buy buy buy for your cats9
Cat Books Links to great sites to buy cat books from Fiction to Fact.3
Cat InformationInfromation sites on cats including Breed types2
Cat NamesLink to site to help pick that special name :)1
Cat Boarding / CatteriesRecommended Catteries in your area and Boarding / cattery UK search.1
Mobile Services - Microchipping etcThe services for cats that come to you1
Cat & Kittening pensExcellent sites to get Cat & kittening pens1
Fun Cat SitesHave a Purrfect Larf with these sites :)1
Animal ArtPet portraits etc 3
General online shopping to give to charitiesIf you're going to buy things online, you may as well use the following links so that some of your hard earned money goes to a good cause!1
Cat Rescue's AbroadLinks to wonderful Cat rescue's outside UK1
Pet friendly Search & ReviewsSites to for Pet owners to search for recommended Pet friendly establishments etc1
Cat GroomingSites to have your cat pampered!1
Purrs Members own sitesPurrs members own websites - some offering services and products with commission on sales to Purrs or special rates for Purrs members. 6
Pet DirectoriesOnline Directories for all things Pet. 1
Recommended Healthy Cat Food websitesGood places to buy ya furkids grub :) 1
Cat communicatingLinks to get to know your cat better 1

Top Five Rated Links

Zoo Plus Rating: 5
My Moggy Rating: 4
Katnip UK Rating: 4
Vets uk - order and donate to Coventry Cat Group Rating: 4
Malcolm Cat Protection Society - Cyprus Rating: 4

Top Five Visited Links

Pet Planet Hits: 15452 
Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Hits: 6756 
National Pet Register Hits: 6047 
Malcolm Cat Protection Society - Cyprus Hits: 4592 
Vets uk - order and donate to Coventry Cat Group Hits: 4132 


There are 24 categories and 87 links in the links system.

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