Author Topic: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer  (Read 37425 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2010, 21:20:07 PM »
Felv causes the most problem, i think the prob with this particular vax is the fact you are whamming it all in in one dose, it overloads the poor cat.

I wouldnt describe chlamydia as a mild eye watering, untreated it makes for a very sore and painful infection, you treat with a long course of ABs, afaik they arent then carriers like flu.

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2010, 18:32:16 PM »
I know of breeders that refuse to use this vaccine because of adverse side effects.
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2010, 12:20:09 PM »
Apparently, it's the Chlamydia element which causes the problems

I have had problems with Fevaxyn Pentofel before and have never had any of mine vaccinated against chlamydia (never knew you could until a year ago), so I don't think you can isolate it to this element.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2010, 07:56:43 AM »
That's interesting - I read an article in a cat magazine about Chlamydia, and i thought it was more serious than that - I think they have it for life too. I always thought the FeLV part was a separate injection.
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2010, 06:48:01 AM »
Thanks to reading this thread, I asked the name of the vaccine used by my new vet when Fred and Vic were re-vaccinated (after a two year break), when she looked puzzled, I showed her the bit of paper upon which I'd scribbled "Fevaxyn Pentofel" and she had an "Ah, now I understand" looked. She explained that this was a 5 dose vaccine, containing the two flu strains, enteritis, leukemia and Chlamydia.

Apparently, it's the Chlamydia element which causes the problems: this isn't routinely vaccinated against because the vaccine causes more problems than the illness in cats. Usually, the illness is a mild eye watering which is harmless, apparently.
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2009, 11:26:30 AM »
There seem to have been no side affects with that one at all - what a relief!
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2009, 18:49:23 PM »
Do hope Homer is bounding around like normal now  ;D

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2009, 18:19:16 PM »
Homer had his jab at 3.30 - not Fevaxyn, I think the Vet called it Purite, three in one

fingers crossed he will be ok
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2009, 22:13:03 PM »
I wont vacc unless they have been tested - the locum wanted to do Ginger and Pebbles and looked surprised when I said that I wouldnt do it without testing first. Mind you, I dont vacc mine against FeLV cos of their age.
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2009, 20:10:50 PM »
Thats the advice of the manufaturers i think and certainly on glasgows info page before it went walkabout  :shify:
Im not sure why vets dont do it as it would make them more money!

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2009, 12:59:25 PM »
I've had one cat have a bit of a reaction to it. He got a bit of a temperature after the first jab and just slept and slept. I was worried at the time but the next morning he was right as rain.  After the second round he reacted in a similar way but wasn't quite as lethargic and recovered more quickly.

What have others heard about vaccinating against FeLV and testing? I was told by our old rescue vet that vaccinating against it without testing was almost pointless as a cat can have the virus dormant for many years and vaccinating whilst it is present is a waste of time. He claimed that best practice would be for vets to test a cat and vaccinate if it was free of the virus, then keep up the boosters.  I've not seen much repeated about this and find that odd, since the vet who told it was a very trusted one.  Has anyone else heard this?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2009, 15:46:43 PM »
Yes you are right Yvonne, so many views and I think its great if Purrs is providing purrsonal  experiences of things to the outside world and maybe also encouraging cat owners to come here for advice and support  ;D

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2009, 15:39:21 PM »
Checking on my vaccination certificates after reading this thread and Smartie and Winston had pentofel in 2006+2007 - then in 2008 Smartie had fevaxyn i-chp  and Winston had Katavac eclipse.
Bungly had the fevaxyn Pentofel .
All mine were not well for 2 days afterwards .
Not sure about Smartie this year - i stopped Sophies altogether when she got to 12 years old and she is now 15 .
Smartie is nearly 12 now - thinking of stopping his , not sure ?!
Winston is the only one that goes out the garden - so he will have to have his and he is nearly 11 years.
Not sure yet what FiFi has had .

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2009, 14:22:01 PM »
I notice that this thread is read daily by many guests.  If you have concerns or any stories to tell about Fevaxyn Pentofel please register and post your views.  I for one would really appreciate it.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2008, 22:24:44 PM »
I hope that she is feeling a bit better tomorrow and then back to her naughty self  :hug:

Offline tinkle

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2008, 21:22:34 PM »
Thank you all for your kind words when I was so worried about Tinkle. This morning I rang the vets for advice and they said to bring her in, so off I went to the vet but of course it being Monday it was absolutely heaving with animals and their human minders. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity and Tinkle so far under her blanket in her cat box that it looked like I was carrying an empty box, (she is a small cat) we saw a very nice vet who examined her thoroughly.  He did think she had an adverse reaction to  Fevaxyn Pentofel and on further discussion we decided she had had her last one, also my 9 year old will not be participating again in this cruel deed.  Tinkle did have a temperature so he gave her an antibiotic injection from which she oozed blood all over me.  Then he said he thought she had a touch of pancreatitis for which he gave an enema, which of course worked the minute we were back in the waiting room and paying the bill.  Mark my words it killed all the doggy smells. By the time we came out of the vets I was the one that looked like she needed treatment.  Anyway, she has slept all afternoon and eaten a little bit of chicken and not vomited. She is not back to her naughty self yet but there is every now and then a glimmer in her eye that tells me that in a day or two she will be driving her neurotic mother barmy again.  Thanks all once again.

Toni  (Tiddles & Tinkles now almost unworried mum)   :hug:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2008, 13:05:18 PM »
I am at present sitting up with my three year old cat after she had the Fevaxyn Pentofel vaccine on Friday.  She has been vomiting intermittently and the last time she vomited she collapsed, but soon bounced back, she is not dehydrated. 

 Now I am beginning to wonder if this seemingly very severe vaccine is to blame.  My cats are indoor cats and although they do go to a cattery occasionally I now feel is this vaccine worth it. 

As your cats are indoors only they don't need to have the leukemia vacc anyway - and even if they visit a cattery its not necessary as there is no chance they will come into contact with others cats (or there shouldnt be anyway). You do not have to have this particular vacc, you can ask for just the normal cat flu/enteritis booster.

I hope your cat is ok, I agree with Yvonne I think you need to try and get an appointment today.

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2008, 09:46:40 AM »
Good morning and    :welcome:    to Purrs

I realise that you are off line at the moment but please get your cat back to the Vet as soon as possible because they can help.  From the information you have given it sounds as though Tinkle may have a temperature and your Vet can give an injection to lower the temperature.  I saw a quick improvement in Homer after the Vet did that.

Good luck
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2008, 08:22:56 AM »
I do hope she is better today, but I would still ring the vets, that way it can be put on her recoreds
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2008, 00:44:47 AM »
I was interested when I saw the thread title and saw I posted on it near the beginning,

I would never allow my cats to have this particular vaccine again and suspect that it was not a neuro prob before.

My vet argued that, if a cat had a true severe reaction it would be within an hour and it must be back at the vets before then for urgent treatment. So most reactions are to what the vaccines are in rather than the vaccine and the cats recover.

Personally I dont care what causes the reaction cos I see no reason for a cat to be ill for 24 hours or more due to it, and in severe cases to be either permanently damaged or to die.

if your cat is not better definately take him back to the vet today and try to ensure that the vet reports the reaction to the company and anyone else he should.

I think that the vaccine companies are getting away with this because the vets are not reporting the side-effects cos they have been conviced that this is not a vaccine reaction........not good enough, I say!

Offline tinkle

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2008, 00:30:48 AM »
I am at present sitting up with my three year old cat after she had the Fevaxyn Pentofel vaccine on Friday.  She has been vomiting intermittently and the last time she vomited she collapsed, but soon bounced back, she is not dehydrated.  She has never in her three years had this reaction before. If she is not any better tomorrow I will take her to the vets.  It is worrying because three years ago one of my six year old cats became ill on a Saturday morning (she was crying and seem to lose the use of her back legs.  We rushed her to the vets and on entering the waiting room she had a fit and died as we got into the vets room.  We were told it was probably a neurological problem.  Now I am beginning to wonder if this seemingly very severe vaccine is to blame.  My cats are indoor cats and although they do go to a cattery occasionally I now feel is this vaccine worth it.  My little cat who is ill is usually so naughty and she has had all the stuffing knocked out of her a present.  The other cat who is six had her injection in July and was fine.  Could it be that this is just a bad batch of vaccines?
I also think vets do not particularly make us aware that this vaccine is so severe.  I will not be prepared to let me cats have this vaccine in future.  If they have to have it in two lots then so be it. :scared:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2007, 11:43:14 AM »
The Manx breed is recognized by the GCCF, so registered Manx breeders  would come under their rulings, which means he should have been vaccinated before you had him. Don't think there are many registered Manx breeders through.

Glad Homer seems a little better, I can understand why you would be reluctant to put him through the 2nd injection after the bad reaction.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2007, 08:05:21 AM »
Sadly you are right about their being pedigree and pedigree, I wish it wasn't the case. There should be a governing body for the MAnx though, every breed should be covered. If the vet is suggesting a different make, you should be OK to go with it, it shouldnt have the same reaction, I just feel that it is against too many things in one go for such a tiny kitten.
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2007, 23:34:20 PM »
 :thanks: everybody,

I think there is pedigree and there is pedigree and my kitten is probably at the lower end of the pedigree.  As for a governing body for the Manx, I would be surprised if there was one.

Went back to the Vet today, saw a different Vet and Homer has a slight temperature just over two degrees above normal which is probably the reason for him being lethargic and not eating much, the Vet confirmed that it was probably as a result of a reaction to the injection.  He gave him an injection to bring down the temperature this was just over five hours ago, I have been out at a meeting tonight so I have not seen him for a few hours when I left he was in the arms of a friend, on return now he does appear to be much brighter and I have coaxed him to eat a bit of ham.

The Vet also said that even with a bad reaction the benefits outweighed the risks and I should go ahead with the second injection in three weeks time, the same injection but a different make.  I will have to see how Homer recovers but I am not sure about whether to go through with the next injection or not.

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2007, 15:26:45 PM »
Is this the Manx kitten? I would let his breeder know as i read that some breeders are now seeing what appears to be a genetic tendency to a reaction.

If h's a pedigree kitten he should have had all his jabs before he left home. Registering bodies specify that kittens must be at least 13 weeks old and fully vaccinated before going to new homes.
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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2007, 15:22:05 PM »
With any medication though there will always be cats that have side effects so you just have to weigh up the pros and cons of it and decide what is best for you. I'm sure you'll find just as many people (if not more) who've had no probs with the FeLV vaccine as have had problems with it.

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2007, 15:17:48 PM »
Hi Michelle,

Please let us know what you have heard about the FeLV injection.

I have another appointment with the Vet tonight, a different Vet. Homer is still very lethargic, not eating or drinking as much as I would like, I feel a bit guilty for not knowing enough about this but none of my other cats have ever had a reaction to this.    :thanks:

Excatly what you have described really Yvonne - just bad side affects.
I have read that it is because of having a 3 in 1 injection, its too much going into the body at once.
My decieding factor for not having mine done was i asked my vet if he vaccinated his cats against it and he said no

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2007, 12:17:24 PM »
Hi Michelle,

Please let us know what you have heard about the FeLV injection.

I have another appointment with the Vet tonight, a different Vet. Homer is still very lethargic, not eating or drinking as much as I would like, I feel a bit guilty for not knowing enough about this but none of my other cats have ever had a reaction to this.    :thanks:
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Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2007, 11:32:02 AM »
Never had any of mine done with the FeLV injection - heard too many bad stories about it.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2007, 18:44:28 PM »
The safest felv is pure vax but i still dont use it  :scared:  Chlamydia is not too important either and is one that more often has side effects.

On the second page it mentions chlamydia.

I personally would get his second lot done as the basic 3.
Is this the Manx kitten? I would let his breeder know as i read that some breeders are now seeing what appears to be a genetic tendency to a reaction. Will try to find where i read that.....
Why didnt they start his jabs before homing?

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Re: Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2007, 18:15:45 PM »
Boopy had this as a booster a few weeks ago and was absolutely fine. I've heard of a few people saying they won't use it but I also know of many others that do without a problem. As with most things they'll always be one or two people whos cats have side effects. Personally it is what I will use (well my vet anyway!) to vaccinate my kittens at 9 and 12 weeks old.
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homeopathic thuja -`whats that?       

Is this it?

If so, what do you do with it?  sprinkle it in his bed??


No, its a homeopathic remedy in a tiny pill - see here

Its regularly recommended by the holistic vet Richard Allport, who writes in Cat World magazine, to protect against adverse reactions. He recommends the 30c dosage and its best to give it a few days before and for five days after vaccination.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 14:08:52 PM by Gillian (Ambercat) »

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Sorry to hear poor Homer is off colour, hope he perks up soon  :hug:  Have to say though Yvonne, I'm disappointed in you  >:( - where are our pics?!  :rofl:

Offline Yvonne

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homeopathic thuja -`whats that?       

Is this it?

If so, what do you do with it?  sprinkle it in his bed??

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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Does anybody have any experience of a nasty reaction to the routine injection of Fevaxyn Pentofel? 

My poor fourteen week old kitten, Homer, has not been right since the injection, he had the injection on Thursday (26th). 

the injection is for feline panleucopaenia (infectious enteritis), feline chlamydiosis (chlam), feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline calcivirus, feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). 

Blimey! I didnt even know you could vaccinate for all those things in ONE jab, I thought it was usually just the cat flu ones FVR and calici, together with enteritis. Mind you I'm a bit behind with all these because I don't vaccinate as often as every year anymore, for various reasons, and I've never vaccinated against leukeamia or chlamyidia.

Poor little soul, it seems a hec of a lot to give a 14 wk old kitten in one go - hope he feels better soon. Are you into homeopathic remedies at all? because the homeopathic thuja is a good remedy to give to counteract vaccine reactions.

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Hi Alll
We dont use this vaccine at all due to the reaction some kittens and cats have. Instead we ask vets to do the injections as two parts. Personally i think this vaccine is abit of an overkill, flu, enteritis and FELV is a good all round vaccine suitable for most cats.. As far as i am aware only one vet in the area uses Pentofel. It is much more expensive as well covering just about everything going.. We have had several cats in our care in the last few years that have been very poorly due in part to this.. I would however make a note and tell your vets because then they get to know about it and some then change vaccines... Many vets dont really give you the choice, so unless you are aware of what they use or ask you wouldnt really know.....Anyone, any cat with a bad reaction make sure new owners are aware of this and thereby can make an informed choice on future vaccines and vets... BTW all have been fine after a day or so, but for delicate kittens it can be a worry....
Cannot save the world, but if everyone does something we can have a jolly good job trying too....

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Ezzy was a little quiet compared to her usual mad self after her first one. She also seemed a little sore when you strocked her and gave a yap sometimes... A couple of days later she was right as rain..

It threw me a bit as I've never had any of them act that way before.. (she has to go her for her second one on the 7th)

I think you should talk to the vet as it's been so long... At least make them aware of it... :)

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 :thanks: for that Gill - really useful to know
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its likely to be the leukimia part .

Misa had a reaction when he had the second part of his and he was 4yrs old. I refuse to let hime have the leaukemia part any more.

Have you spoken to the vet, when I spoke too them about Misa, they were going to take him in and put him on a drip if he hadnt improved by 24hrs..............he improved but slowly.

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Routine kitten injection Fevaxyn Pentofel - side effects - poor Homer
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 21:02:28 PM »
Does anybody have any experience of a nasty reaction to the routine injection of Fevaxyn Pentofel? 

My poor fourteen week old kitten, Homer, has not been right since the injection, he had the injection on Thursday (26th).  He is very lethargic and just not himself although he has improved a little since yesterday.  As many of you will know the injection is for feline panleucopaenia (infectious enteritis), feline chlamydiosis (chlam), feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline calcivirus, feline leukaemia virus (FeLV).  I am not looking forward to taking him back in three weeks time for the second dose.

Has this happened to anybody before as it has never happened to any of my other kittens?

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