Author Topic: Auction Close - How to pay for your winning items  (Read 2945 times)

Offline Tan

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Auction Close - How to pay for your winning items
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 19:47:18 PM »
To winning Bidders

Once 20.00hrs is reached tonight, the Auction staff will be posting the winning post on each item. Please bear with us doing this as it can take some time. Once that is done we will post a full list of who has won what with the total due from each member for all their winning items.  Please hang on till this list is posted so you pay the correct amount. :thanks:  :hug: :hug: This can take at least 2 hours or more!!!

How to Pay

The total to pay is for your winning bid for each item you have won. This total will all go to the Lost Cats Brighton for the needy cats.

Please note all money will come to Purrs for onward distribution to Lost cats by bank transfer.

Please ensure that all money is paid by 1900 (7pm) on 11th December at the latest, as we would like all items to be received before Christmas and Lost cats to get the money as fast as possible.

There are 3 different ways  you can pay for your winning auction items:-
- By Bank Transfer to the Purrs Bank Account - Please pm one of the Purrs Staff and they will pm you the Purrs Bank account details.

- By Debit or Credit Card via secure paypal using the donate button at the bottom of every page. (See more detailed instructions below.

-By cheque - Please make Cheques payable to Purrs In Our Hearts. And send to
Purrs In Our Hearts
10 Stag Close
New Milton
BH25 5GD

It is preferable for money to pay by Bank Transfer if possible as Payal charge a fee and its the quickest. You may of course pop an extra bit on paypal if you prefer to cover the paypal fee, we get charged 3.4% plus 20p on every transaction) we normally deduct this fee from the money going to the rescue.
If you won more than one item and are paying by paypal please pay in total for all your items in one transaction as paypal charges the receiver of the money a set fee per transaction plus a small percentage of the total.

On all payments please put your Purrs user name in the details/message/on the back of chqs, so we know who sent it.

Detailed Instructions - PAYING By paypal using a bank or credit card or paypal account (you do not need a paypal account
Please Click on the donate button at the bottom of the purrs forum pages. 
This will take you direct to a secure paypal payments page to pay to Donations@purrsinourhearts where we can collect the auction money.
- Enter the amount you are paying for all your wining items which will include any postage costs shown on each of your won auction items.
-Then click the UPDATE button underneath the amount box.
If you have a paypal account,  log in by entering your paypal deatlis in the Log Into Paypal box
If you do not have a paypal account, please click the continue text link on the left hand side to pay by card.
Follow the paypal instructions to proceed.
Once you get to the Review your payment page, please click Add a Note and type in the word Auction and your Purrs name as shown on the forum.
Click the orange donate now button to complete your auction payment.

Once your payment has been received, the Purrs staff will post on each item thread to say that the money has been received. Only then will the auctioneer be able to dispatch your winning items. No items will be sent out until they are paid for and marked as Paid on the item thread. :)

Please PM the auctioneer of your item/s to give them your postal name and address to send them to.

Any questions please ask on the Chatting about the Auction thread.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 19:48:55 PM by Tan »


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