Oooo gosh - look at these adorable kittie pics!!

Hi there Littlebear - and Myshka too

What a little cutie Myshka is - and yes, Rosella - doesnt she look like Riley?

Jem - love that piccie as well - yes, when cats sleep like that, it's such a sign of complete relaxation and trust. As well as being too darned cute!

Well done on your care for Shibby - 21 is a fab age. We had Paddy from a kitten until the age of twenty, and we lost him in 2011 after his kidneys failed. We then adopted Mac, who was the most gorgeous bundle of ginger spots and we adored him, but lost him to a road accident last year. We then acquired Ross, who was a bright ginger marbled bundle of wonderfulness. Sadly, we also lost him to a road traffic accident this year, and as Rosella and you both know, it hurts like hell.

We're now slaves to Tinky, a tabby and white softy with a goofy grin, and Moray, a 4 month old kitten, who like your Myshka, is full of nortiness, yet has the face of a cherub.

I'm generally the one who gets biffed and bashed, and I know only too well how those trousers look after an attack. I was regularly wearing a pair up until around 7 weeks ago when I finally threw them out.

The main tip for getting kittens to alter their behaviur in that regard is distraction therapy, gently persuading them to look at or play with something else when their behaviour borders on the painful or dangerous.
Might be a good idea to take Myshka's Da Bird out with her into the garden and having some play time out there with her, which will help to build her confidence as he hunts, catches and "kills" her prey in her own patch.

She's a beautiful little Minx. Hope you really enjoy the forum, and make loads of new friends on here.