How long are you going to keep him indoors? l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;./iooooooooooool
(that was a Snoozle from Tufty to say thank you for being so nice to Smudge)
It all sounds very favourable, but I wonder if he'd revert to type as soon as he's let out as he's been living rough for so long. Tufty still heads for the garage at no.38 (where he used to sleep when he was a stray) when he can't get in here (he hasn't fathomed the cat flap works both ways yet) and comes home filthy and flea ridden but warm and dry.
Well done, this world needs more caring people like you

Well he doesn't seem to want to go back outside lol (Well who would it's freezing lol) although we r sending him back out when we r at work he has a bed and food outside it is kinda in the hall way of our block of flats so technically not outside but still cold
he is out atm so the others are making the most of it lol
It is very strange he has just made himself at home almost as though he has been here before they all had snacks together earlier and zak went on the bed while smudge was in the window
He is just a lovely cat not really a wild one as perhaps I have portrayed him lol
His story is he lived with our alcoholic neighbour, one day I saw him eating from the rubbish bins so gave him some food few weeks after he figured out where we lived and rarely left our doorway.
now when he hears the neighbours voice he cowers which is horrible to see
I think he knows where his bread is buttered lol