Author Topic: Please can you help -this cat will be PTS on Tuesday otherwise. Please read -thankyou  (Read 17923 times)

Offline Janeyk

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I'm moving this out of urgent section to sorted now.  Further updates would be great, please can you post a new thread in Cats Stories  :thanks:
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 07:56:40 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline CatGirl

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Great news,i hope she'ssoon homed.x

Offline thekittensmittens

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brilliant news ;D

Offline cazzer

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wonderful news!
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Offline Janeyk

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 ;D great news, I hope that we get to hear that she's soon well and gets a lovely new home.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline maryas

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Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Wonderful news  ;D

Offline Dawn F

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great news

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Have heard back from ChapelHouse - good news is that Miel was saved and is on the long road to recovery  :)

Thank you for the email and so sorry to be ages coming back: I have been in bed ill last 3 days so not on the laptop....

Yes she was definitely saved... She required quite a lot of referral orthopaedic work and also had some open wounds that were not healing well, but I think we have to trust that a good vet practice would not carry on working on an animal they felt was unlikely to have a good outcome, so I was hopeful that she would recover and go on to a new home.

Massive, massive thanks to all Purrs people again. I did write to them all. Please understand also we do not get updates from vets very often ourselves – we are simply the funder for certain cases, and then I let the vet recontact me if there is an issue or they just want to pass on more updates but it’s not very common for vets to do that after a certain point!

Offline JackSpratt

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We'll wait. I'm sure when they have five minutes they'll respond. ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Thanks Bungly, I know they're probably busy their end - what rescue isn't nowadays  :shy:

Offline bunglycat

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I emailed, but had no reply yet.
There is a contact button on website if anyone else wants to try.

Offline Janeyk

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Yep I've been wondering too  :Luv:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Me too, I know that Miel isn't in the rescue's direct care but it would be nice if they could get an update from the vet on how she's doing. :crossed: for her

Offline JackSpratt

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Hope Miel's doing well.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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I am so sorry I am unable to donate anything at the moment towards this little one  :( but my thoughts and prayers are with her.  And once again I am getting such a warm fuzzy feeling knowing I am amongst such generous and loving purrs people.  :hug:
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline sheilarose

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Salute you, Tan. Wholehearted agreement.   :hug:


Offline Tan

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Brill thanks hun also sent some from me  :hug: :hug:

Sounds like Miel will need alot of treatment and i so so hope with all my heart it all works out well  :Luv: :Luv:

Offline bunglycat

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Thank you so much Tan :hug: :hug:
Not sure what's happening as Cheryl Anne is away today doing a talk and she has had lots of computer problems.
Will send her a email later and see what she knows .

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Hun Just seen this and just checked the site, They were up to £550 - £50 under the amount needed so i have just sent £50 from the Buster Fund for darling Miel.

Hun do you know the latest, how have they got on today?

 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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I do hope its enough

Offline bunglycat

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Target almost reached, now at £550 ,only £50 to raise for the first round of treatment.
Thank you so much everyone.

Offline Dawn F

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don't worry!  as has already been said we only had to read the website for ourselves - you've done a great job and I'm sure nobody feels you have mislead us

I'm delighted to hear that the little one in the photo did recover though

Offline bunglycat

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Sorry about the picture, my fault entirely
In so much of a hurry as time was running out , I just thought it was Miel

Offline Dawn F

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in the email I received she seemed to think the total would be enough - I hope so, although I understand each step is a small one

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Have to say I did presume the pic was Miel but it couldn't be clearer that there were no pics  :doh: 'Photos of Miel cannot be published because of the sensitivity of the case'. Anyway, it's not important what she looks like - it's what she's been through that matters. The total hasn't been updated yet, have everything crossed she can be saved and go on to make a full recovery :care:

Offline Gillian Harvey

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I was wondering about the pic myself Gillian, as I saw that bit about it being sensitive - that poor cat in the photo though, I wonder if it ever recovered

He did, amazingly, (although I'm not sure if he was ever well enough to be rehomed) he went through so much, he was starved and completely matted, and his skin came away when the vets tried to dematt him  >:(

Offline Dawn F

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I was wondering about the pic myself Gillian, as I saw that bit about it being sensitive - that poor cat in the photo though, I wonder if it ever recovered

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Just wanted to point out, the picture of the persian posted here is not the persian that funds are being raised for. Its is a pic of a persian from Cheryl Anne's website, an equally distressing case from several years ago, but its definitely not Miel. If you note from the write up about Miel, 'Photos of Miel cannot be published because of the sensitivity of the case,' . Its still a very critical case though, not sure if enough funds have been found yet?

Offline bunglycat

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Thanks for the support everyone.
Yes, i know Cheryl Anne a little but i believe in the work she does and the cases she tries to help .
I have no money myself -but donated on my credit card !!!  It will get paid ..... one day in the distant future  :rofl:

I have vet bills myself to pay ,nearly every week it seems someone has to go and tablets for 2 cost £10 per week .

I am currently worried about Smartie who over the last few days has developed a small lump right in the corner of his eye . We went straight to the vets and told to keep an eye on it and we have provisional appointment for xray and whilst there he will have his heart scanned (he has enlarged heart) .
The vet said it maybe nothing -BUT if it is something , he wont be able to do anything because of where it is -thats worrying me sick now as he is 14 1/2.

Offline maryas

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I'm not going to look on catchat to see what the person said as it will make me so mad.

I immediately went to the donate button and then read the story of Miel.  By that time I had received an email from Cheryl and we exchanged quite a few emails after that with photos of our cats and other things we have in common.

How can someone say that about her rescue without proof  >:(

Anyway sod 'em and I look forward to seeing more healthy pics of Miel and details of her progress.

Well done everyone.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Cheryl Anne is unable to update the total tonight and as said below, she is away from home tonight and her dongle will not connect but she told me that she is sure the total will be reached tonight.

Yes she is updating manually.

Offline JackSpratt

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Hope the funds are raised for this little one.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Very well put Sheilarose, wholeheartedly agree and which is why we now put the 'non-Purrs' fundraising disclaimer - before donating you can do your own checks/research and if you're happy with what you've read, and you believe in the cause, then sometimes you have to trust in the goodness and humanity of others. 

I know donations have come from elsewhere too, not just Purrs members, but was heartened to see so many members digging deep and sending donations - especially so soon after the plea to help little Edna have her op (which incidentally she had today - all went well and as soon as she has healed she is looking for her forever home) :Luv:

Offline Liz

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If we can help with anything in Aberdeenshire give us a shout, I have an isolation area as Miss Porsche Bengal will be joining the others after the weekend
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Bungly -

I read your very first post and then checked the Chapelhouse site in your link before I decided to donate. I was in no doubt that the rescue had pledged to raise the funds to pay for the vet treatment.

This is a selfless and positive act of wonderful humanity on the part of Chapelhouse, and something I very much wanted to be part of.

I've read the comments on Catchat and feel that the author, although entitled to her opinion (as she has robustly pointed out) has failed to grasp one fundamental thing. We are all adults capable of making choices and judgements for ourselves. More information is only ever a click away these days, as your latest contribution proves very nicely.

In my opinion this ability to choose for ourselves includes the choice to ignore doubters and pessimists.

I'm glad I'm part of this  :briggin:

Well said. Totally agree.

Very disappointed in the posts on Catchat from a person also involved in rescue as well - makes me sad. On reading about the rescue I saw that they did a range of activities to help persians - it is quite transparent on the site what was being asked for and why.

I think if Cheryl-Ann is updating the donations manually - there may be a delay as she is travelling to London to give a talk to some vets (was mentioned in one of her posts on CC and also Bungly's post).


Offline sheilarose

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Bungly -

I read your very first post and then checked the Chapelhouse site in your link before I decided to donate. I was in no doubt that the rescue had pledged to raise the funds to pay for the vet treatment.

This is a selfless and positive act of wonderful humanity on the part of Chapelhouse, and something I very much wanted to be part of.

I've read the comments on Catchat and feel that the author, although entitled to her opinion (as she has robustly pointed out) has failed to grasp one fundamental thing. We are all adults capable of making choices and judgements for ourselves. More information is only ever a click away these days, as your latest contribution proves very nicely.

In my opinion this ability to choose for ourselves includes the choice to ignore doubters and pessimists.

I'm glad I'm part of this  :briggin:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Fairly sure the total is updated manually so fingers crossed they have raised what is needed to fund her treatment at the vets that is looking after her.


Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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The total is way out so could be at target or a tiny bit under

Offline bunglycat

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The sum of £200 was paid by Chapelhouse Persian Rescue to a London branch of a national rescue, to help towards costs in a compassionate case. Three Persians needed vet care urgently, having been neglected by elderly owners.

The cats have been dematted and dentals and other essential treatments completed. Cats have been returned to the previous owners.

The London rescue will keep watch on the cats' ongoing welfare and help the couple keep their cats safe and well.

 Help 16-18 Year Old "Cotton Ball" - September 2011 Care
Update September 20th:

We have received everything we need for Cotton Ball, for September 2011!

The outstanding generosity of two donors, Julie CH and Lynne H, both in UK, made it possible to close the appeal early!

We are hopeful that Cottony will be deemed fit to operate on within the next week, and we will start a fresh appeal for her in October as she will need our funding support for the rest of her life.

Wd are still looking for a permanent foster home for Cotton Ball, where all her lifetime expenses will be met by the Rescue because of her age and the extra care she will need.


Cotton Ball came in as 'Mimi' and we ran an Appeal to collect her. I have called her Cotton Ball as she one! So it's just a nickname but I think all who meet her will agree, she is one.

She has entropion in both eyes; her lower eyelashes are turned inwards and constantly rubbing on the eye, causing great pain, sealing-up of the eyes and constant infections.

This 'ingrowing eyelashes' thing may sound small but it's very hard to treat as she was really weak and underweight on arrival, so could not have a general anaesthetic. Poor Cottony.

Cotton Ball needs operations to both eyes. The eyes themselves are suffering repeated infection as she cannot open them for much of the time.

However, the great news is that at 20th September we feel she is just about ready for her op and we hope the vet will agree.

She cannot blink and clear out debris and bacteria. Every morning her eyes need half an hour to encourage them to open using special eye cleansers. Then she needs a good clean up and eye drops, plus a contact lens solution is applied to provide a protectant film. However, within a few hours they are back to the previous state.


We will run an Appeal monthly, adjusting according to what she needs.

She must have spent all her years in pain from daily eye problems so let's make her last short time as comfortable as possible.

If you would contribute to the Cotton Ball pot for September, we would be very grateful.

Cotton Ball
Cotton Ball, the 16-18 year old female Persian in our care with severe eye problems, has had a few good days where her eyes seemed to clear up...and then she suffered a sharp reversion.

She is still not fit enough for general anaesthesia athough the vet agrees she's a lot better than when she arrived, and no longer seems frail.

The vet was asked if it is worth operating despite the risk of death under GA, but we are advised against this as he feels recovery could be very difficult. Her weight and poor kidney function are still the key issues.

Her kidney function won't improve but we can still increase her weight a little more and ensure she is at the peak of her possible fitness when she has her operation.

Even when Cotton Ball is walking around, she isn't opening her eyes much, as you see in the photos. It is a struggle to keep them from sealing up. She is on intensive eye cleaning and antibiotics orally and via eye drops.
We still hope she can be operated on, though. It seems worth the risk as she cannot continue as things are; when her eyes seal up, although she is actually perfectly happy like that it does make her eyes very infection-prone.

It's very labour and time-intensive caring for a cat like this as she cannot be left more than an hour between eyecare sessions and if she is left, the eyes completely close up and we are back to square one.


Three Ex Breeding Cats
A lot of the week has been spent trying to organise for three ex breeding cats to arrive, but it is proving so difficult to arrange as the breeder is ill.

Breeder, if you are reading this, you know who you are. Why not send the cats to us by taxi, send an email to say they have been despatched... and we will accept both the cats and the taxi bill when they arrive!!! That would be easier than us both missing each other all the time.


Big Momma's Kittens

The 'sensitive case' cat who came in and delivered 5 kittens is very well. She is caring for her kittens nicely although she continues to be clumsy and regularly squashes them!

4 kittens are doing perfectly and are fat, mobile and have their eyes open.

However, the 5th kitten is not thriving and one eye is not opening.

Attempts to bottle feed have failed and it is a weak kitten but we now think it was probably a premature delivery. As such it's likely she cannot get the mother's milk as she isn't strong enough to battle others twice her size. But she seems to know she is not actually orphaned so totally refuses to take by syringe or bottle. The Rescue Manager has tried several times to remove her from the litter for intensive nursing but she just gets weaker and refuses to feed.

We have decided it is less traumatic for this kitten if she is left with the litter and the mother, and we will have to just cross fingers that she pulls through.

We will post pics shortly.


Vet Behavioural Talk
The Rescue Manager was last week invited to present to a veterinary group next Tuesday evening, at a venue several hours away, on the subject of behavioural issues in Persians.

Behaviourally, there are several ways in which Persian cats tend to differ from other breeds or domestic shorthairs.

It is hoped that if vets understand more about the presenting behavioural issues in this breed, owners can be better armed to manage problems such as inappropriate wetting and messing, night-time crying, and anorexia, all of which lead to high levels of rehoming and euthanasia. Rehoming and 'put to sleep' can be avoided with education of pet owners.

We are grateful for the invitation and look forward to delivering the presentation in Surrey.


Geriatric Persian Incoming
We were in discussions with an owner needing to give up an 18 year old Persian and we have agreed to take him when they are ready.


Appeal Launched -- 'Save Miel'
We launched an appeal for an injured chinchilla to be saved.

She is in the care of a vet practice, and we need to raise the funds to offset the vet bill.

See Donate for more details - the appeal is for chinchilla 'Miel'. We are delighted and stunned to see a large volume of support come in for this Appeal late on Sunday 25th; we are now almost at the target and hope to have achieved it by close of business on Monday 26th.


Fluffy's New Home
Fluffy, the chocolate Persian who has needed a new home for a long time, has joined Penny and Adrian in their home down South...he is doing very well and has enjoyed a lot of affection and play in his new home.


We thank Amanda for being an excellent and dedicated fosterer while Fluffy was waiting for his new opportunity.

Without Amanda's care it would have been even more difficult to find Fluffy the perfect home; his confidence really progressed while he was with Amanda, so he was able to show off to his potential adopters during their visit and ensure that they took him home!


Attempts to Rehome Hobbes
We listed new cat Hobbes who needs a new home.


Bubbles Is Hard to Place...

On behalf of another rescue we have put forward four possible adopters for Persian cat Bubbles. Only one of the homes met the other rescue's requirements and sadly, this adopter had already fostered some kittens before a visit to Bubbles could be made.

We are still trying to place Bubbles!

She deserves to be placed into a nice family so especially if you are in Kent, please consider her.


Cats in EgyptDonations to this appeal stopped at £103 and we are now in the process of transferring the £103 across to ESMA to free the 2 cats! THANK you everyone for your gifts and hard work!!

We will appeal again for ESMA when there are specific cats to support again.


Free 'Lameess' from cruelty in Egypt NOW.

Please read about Lameess and her blind, sad friend Blue Eyes, in our section 'Urgent' > Crisis in Egypt.

It costs £200 each to fly Lameess and Blue Eyes from Egypt to a safe haven in USA or Germany.

Please don't decide not to help just because you don't live in USA or Germany. This project is not about YOU, me, or any of us. It's about ending the unnecessary SUFFERING of innocent, once-loved animals.

Persian and pedigree cats are being abused, neglected, starved, kicked, shot and injured on Egyptian streets following massive political upheaval.

SAVE Lameess and Blue Eyes now.

WELL DONE, ALL - Target for this appeal was exceeded by £15!

We will transfer the £15 over-donation (from Elizabeth W, thanks x), to our currently LIVE Appeal.....

Well done everybody, a great job done. What a relief!

Rescue Manager

August 13th, 12.30pm.... Appeal now CLOSED 4.5 hours ahead of target! Yaay!- Successful


Urgent Fund to Avoid Destruction of 4 Cats*

*Sadly this is outside our control as these animals are not in CPR care and not being handed over to us.

Three Persian Males, One Exotic Female

Three Persian male cats and an exotic female need urgent funding (to be given by us unless other rescues come forward).

The cats are all held at a vet practice in Scotland, and we need to confirm whether we can fund their care ideally TODAY or by end Saturday latest.

They can be scheduled for treatment on Monday if we can give the financial assistance.

These cats have no identified owner.

We were contacted yesterday morning asking whether we had, potentially, any provision for financial assistance towards urgent care to avoid euthanasia of what were thought to be three animals in very poor bodily condition.

However, when rescuers attended humane traps late last night, there were four cats. Three males were inside the traps, and a single female sat in proximity and allowed a rescuer to pick her up. Now that the animals have been trapped, we need to see if we can raise the funds.

Other welfare organisations have not been asked to help directly because of timescale and because we proactively advertise that we try to assist vets and other rescues in such cases.

However, if you represent a welfare organisation in Scotland and would like to provide funding for the full amount please contact us as we can put you directly in touch with the vet. The vet expressly prefers to work with one organisation that can fully fund, as they do not have time to be dealing with several donors.

We will report back to the vet at day end today to state whether full funding looks feasible by CPR.

Funds are required to cover :

urgent dental work for an old male Persian with bad gingivitis and a mass on the lower lip, needing biopsy;
castration of two younger entire males;
full blood profiling for all cats as they have been living outside and in proximity to a feral colony -- this may mean they have FIV (sometimes referred to as 'feline AIDS');
removal of a mass to the chest of one of the cats, and of course laboratory analysis of the tissue removed;
spaying of the female who only appears around 5 years old. The vet assumes this cat to be unspayed but there is no way to know; we assume it because of the males being entire. The female will need opening up to check.
all cats need vaccinations.
Post-surgery there will be ongoing hospitalisation pending a rescue placement, for all three males, but especially for the one with the chest tumour as he will require wound-care.

The female will be moving immediately to the home of an elderly resident in Aberdeen.

Persian-lovers in Aberdeenshire are invited to offer foster homes for any of the male cats; they cannot be moved further as they are all too weak at present. They are timid but not aggressive.

Estimated ages are between 10 and 14 for all three males. It is likely they were ex breeding cats set free to avoid veterinary bills as the cats aged.

Funds will be refunded if the appeals are not met -DOES THIS SOUND DUBIOUS ?
The only losers when things like this blow up -are the cats themselves !!!!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 20:13:23 PM by bunglycat »


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