Author Topic: Instructions for Cat Show Entries  (Read 4281 times)

Offline Tan

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Re: Instructions for Cat Show Entries
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2011, 19:00:05 PM »
Here are the Rosettes made  ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Instructions for Cat Show Entries
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 12:11:54 PM »


1. Please send your entries to me, Rosella Moggy, at  They should all be attachments rather than embedded into email.  Each picture entered in Class 1 needs a  LOLcat caption but it doesn't need to be on the photo.  However, for more than 1 LOLcat entry, it would greatly assist if I am able to figure out which caption goes with which photo  ;) 

2. All  entries should have your Purrs name, the name of the Furbabe and the Class each photo is entered in.  It would be fabulous if you were able  to name pics before sending
(e.g. RosellaMoggy/Freddie/Class1LOLcats) but that isn't vital.  The email should also indicate the amount of your entrance fees and the date you sent this to Purrs.  Please send your entries to me as early as possible from Saturday 23 April; the closing date for entries will be THURSDAY 5 MAY 2011 

3. If you are able to resize pictures, please make them 600 pixels on the longest side.  No worries if you are not able to do this, I will resize them for you  :).   Please do not send very small pictures cos we want to be able to see your beautiful furry friend as clearly as possible  :Luv:

4. You can enter as many pictures of each cat in any Class that fits the cat.   However the cat must have been cared for by you at some point in its life  :catlove2:

5. It will be £1 per ENTRY per Class.  This will usually mean £1 per photo but Class 2 (From this to ....THIS) requires two photos per entry so 2 pics for £1 for Class 2 only.

Funds raised will  go to the Purrs Rescue Fund and be distributed by Tan between our registered rescues after the Cat Show Final.

6. The Purrs Cat Show 2011 will open for voting on Thursday 26 May and  the Top Cat will be announced on Tuesday 21 June 2011  :wooooo: :wooooo:

7. Entry fees can be paid by the following methods:

-sent to the Purrs paypal account using the donate button at the bottom of each page. This allows you to pay by your preferred method, credit or debit card without a paypal account or via Paypal account if you have one. Please add a note marked Cat Show with your Purrs user name. Please contact a member of staff if you are unsure how use the donate button. It's very important that you say what the payment is for so Tan can identify the CAT Show entries. 
(If you don't want to use the donate button at the bottom of the pages, you can also pay by paypal by logging on to you paypal account and sending the entry fees to  This is just another way to pay by paypal so you can choose either to click the donation button or logon to your paypal account)

-direct by bank transfer over the Internet which would save on Paypal fees.  If you are able to pay by this method, please PM me or another staff member for bank details but again please show Cat Show with your Purrs user name on the transfer.

-sent by post using a cheque or money order. Please include a note of Purrs member name and how many entries.  (so we can match to entry forms).
Make payable to - Purrs In Our Hearts
and send to:
Purrs In Our Hearts Cat Show
10 Stag Close
New Milton
BH25 5GD

8. Money and pictures must arrive by THURSDAY 5 MAY 2011 at the latest, to allow time to put them on Purrs ready for voting.  Due to my newbie status in this role, I will need more time that Gill had last year  :-[.  Did I say be kind to me?  :scared: :scared: :scared:

9. The classes for the Purrs Cat Show 2011 are as follows:

Class 1  LOLcats  :yayyy:

Class 2  From this to ..... THIS (which apart from showing young uns blossoming will hopefully show fabulous work of rescues)  :Luv:

Class 3   Video of Furbabe(s) - (suggest these are a max of 30 seconds and will need to be emailed to me as a link already uploaded to either Youtube or Photobucket  This Class is gonna be especially useful for all those fidgets out there that won't stay still for pics!)

Class 4   Golden Oldies (aged 15 yrs and over)  :blow kiss:

Class 5   Relaxing Cats  :shoosh:

Class 6   Playful Cats  :catplay2:

Class 7   Cat Expressions

Class 8   Cat Positions
Class 9   Cute Cats   :cat rub:

Class 10  Mainly Fluffy Suited Cats

Class 11  Mainly Smooth Suited Cats

Class 12  Cats and their pals - (to include feline and non feline pals)  :puppy:
10. There will be three rounds of voting, first round, semi-final and finals. The number of votes you have at each stage of the show will be determined by the size of the entry in each Class

11. From the semi final round, the top 12 cats will go forward into the final round of voting, to establish the Purrs Top Cat of 2011. You can have 3 votes only in the Final which is very wicked I know  :naughty:

Please remember that this Cat Show is for fun only and to raise funds for our rescues. Every cat is wonderful and loved to pieces.

SCHEDULE (with any luck and a following wind)

Thursday 5 May      Entries to be received and money paid

Thursday 26 May     First round voting starts

Thursday 2 June      First round voting ends at 2000hrs

Friday 10  June       Semi-final voting starts

Tuesday 14 June     Semi Final voting closes at 2000hrs

Saturday 18 June      Final voting starts

Monday 20 June     Final voting closes at 2000hrs

Tuesday 21 June     Announcement of Top Cat

Ooo and prizes for the show  :what:

3rd place - £10 shop voucher plus material rosette and framed winning pic.
2nd place -£20 shop voucher plus material rosette and framed winning pic.
1st place  - £30 shop voucher plus material rosette and framed winning pic.

special prize if appropriate - £10 shop voucher plus material rosette and framed pic.

Tan is getting actual rosettes made this year   If a video wins she will take a still pic of it for the framed picture prize.  Ain't she just a star?  :)

 :yesss: :yesss: :yesss:

Finally, best of good luck to everyone and have fun!
:dance narna:
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 18:13:42 PM by Tan »


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