Well i thought is time to add some pictures to this tread and Gill kindly agreed to do so. Thankyou Gill
Mister Sylvester Gaudi has been with me for 3 months
He is 5 months old and was neutured 2 weeks ago and the vet said he is in a very good condition healthwise . He weigh 3.2 kilo which i thought is too much but the vet thinks is healthy.
MSG is just gorgeous and very friendly, plays rough though but i put it as being young
But and there is a big but he goes out and is noway to stop him
He started going out when he was 3 months old and every time the door opened he just run out , tbh after what happened to Millie (RTA)
i am terrified.I got him so many toys and at first he showed interest but now comes morning and he start crying i spend 3 to 4 hours a day out side watching him but when he gets to the front thats where the Road is and i am so scared that some thing distract him and he crosses the road.
I was told by few people to keep him indoor and he will be reasonably happy and safe but he is not having it.Love him to bits its first time after 20 years since i had a kitten and he is really hard work but he is just gorgeous and they do make you smile
Although i have to say i miss having my oldies
Gill, i did insure him with HOME BASE, it was the best deal and thankyou soooo much.x