Author Topic: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old  (Read 3812 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 19:30:50 PM »
Poor girl doesnt like the new taste of her skin :(  She has had 3 meals tho  :Luv2:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2010, 21:58:36 PM »
:luck: Txika, milk it for all it's worth when you get home  :naughty:

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2010, 21:30:56 PM »
Little monster is in for her spay tomorrow, withholding breakfast is going to be loud, i still feed her seperately as she eats inhales like she has had to fight all her life, which she never has. I can hear the screams of feed me already  :scared:

Offline Skully

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2010, 11:24:36 AM »
My beautiful kitty Emily (RIP) had 3 kittens when she was a year old, and although she was a young mum she did quite well at keeping them all in line with a bit of a loud meow and a gentle nip when they misbehaved, but the only little boy in the litter, Benjamin, found he just had too much energy to be contained in one small body, so he was always on the go, bouncing about, pouncing on anything that moved. Emily would tolerate this for as long as she could and then would give the normal sign that she'd had enough. If that didn't stop him and carried on with his munkypunk ways, she would distract him with one paw, and when he was looking at that paw, ready to pounce, she would place her other paw on his head and pin his head to the floor. She seemed to press down firmly with her claws just on the verge of coming out but not actually digging them in to him. This would cause him to lay as flat as he could to the ground and stay very still. It was a bit like when the kittens go floppy when picked up by the scruff. She would pull the paw she had been distracting him with away from him and just keep him still for a couple of minutes. It seemed to calm him from his playing frenzy and when she finally took the paw off his head, he would more often than not get up, walk a little way away and have a wash and find something else to do. He always looked the way cats do when they are trying to look like they haven't done anything wrong, like when they misjudge a jump and miss what they were aiming for. That kind of whistling "That wasn't me!" kind of look.

Since witnessing this behaviour from Emily, I have tried the head pressing move with many young cats that are playing a bit to boisterously and it has worked for me fairly well in most cases. Just hold the munkypunk still with firm but not heavy pressure on the top centre of the head and usually it's enough to get them to stop. If you combine it with a firm "NO" after a while the word no is enough without having to do the headlock.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2010, 19:54:40 PM »
She loves water so that would be a great game! Time out sounds like it would work if shes in a position to be removed, iv tried turning my back on her when playing up but she started jumping on my shoulder and biting my head  :tired: The problem with her is nothing fazes her, the only thing that spooks her a little bit is the post comming through the letter box.
I often tell her i dont blame her mum for leaving her in a puddle, she knew she had given birth to trouble  :naughty:

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2010, 20:45:15 PM »
She's lacked a mum and siblings to belt her round the ear when she gets too full of herself. You can't thump her but you can dissapline her in some ways. I would exclude her from your company when she gets too rough. Every time she gets too boisterous, pick her up and shove her out of the room for 5 minutes. Call it Time Out.  :shy: Don't let her back until the event has been forgotten and encourage her to play with her toys instead of people's pink/brown bits.   :evillaugh:

Offline snarf

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2010, 20:15:47 PM »
I used to have a high pitched squeal if my two played too hard with my poor hands, it startled them enough to break their concentration lol

i do this and it stops lucifer if he gets over excited, im guessing he had litter mates tho and understands it means "you hurt me" i generally then play sulk and refuse to play anymore  :innocent: / he is generally very good though its just when he has a mad moment so im not sure if itll work with generally bitey cats?

Offline Zenith (Liz)

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2010, 19:24:10 PM »
I used to have a high pitched squeal if my two played too hard with my poor hands, it startled them enough to break their concentration lol

Offline Den

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2010, 13:27:18 PM »
Memphis (who was hand raised by me used to play like that). I found ignoring him worked. When he looked like he was going to start I'd just say 'no' then walk away. If he was on me I'd simply start to get up which would make him jump off. If he tried to chase I just exited the room and closed the door behind me.

Nowadays if he gets carried away I just have to look at him in a funny way and the bites get exchanged for licks.

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Offline Daisymac

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2010, 13:11:48 PM »
How about a water spray ?,  the ones you use for ironing and plant,  spray a fine spray at her if she is naughty,  that might work.

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 12:14:31 PM »
I wish she had a no noise helen, iv tried a stern no and her name and she just looks bemused!  :naughty:

DM, i couldnt get my hand that near if i wanted to! Any movement towards her or for a toy to try and distract her with makes it more fun  :tired:

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 11:40:56 AM »
Pickle Polka Pants used to be a hand biter,   it sounds really bad and cruel but it worked,  everytime she bit me or put her claws in I used to flick her nose,  not very hard,  but enough for her to notice it,  it hasnt stopped her completely but her behaviour has got much better.

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 11:31:35 AM »
Do you have a 'no' noise and if so does she understand it!? If Riley is being naughty I say 'ah, ah, ah' and he looks at me guiltily and stops what he's doing. If you had a noise that she knew meant she was being naughty it might stop her :luck:

Offline Millys Mum

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Any suggestions for improving behaviour in a handreared 5mo old
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 11:04:48 AM »
Txika is still very much the little monster, despite best efforts shes a finger/hand biter and chaser  :tired:
Shes never had rough play with hands so i assume her behaviour towards me and my mum is because we were the ones who raised her, shes not half as bad to my dad and brother!

Iv tried playing dead, that doesnt deter her. Iv tried blowing at her face, that worked when she was dinky but soon stopped bothering her. If you try to pull your hand away she will sink her claws in, i do clip them which helps a little. The bigger she is getting the more damage im sustaining, had some nasty scratches.

Any other suggestions i can try?


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