Well its come of time I feel like Oliver MMP needs to be rehomed
I took this cat in off the streets, well actually he was living in his owners garden afraid to go into the house because of the dog!
So he came here on the 28th December and things have been going good, he's been venturing around the garden and house more, he comes at meal times and eats with my others. Also coming to bed every night for cuddles
He's a really sweet cat and the reason I took him was because he is 11 and black and white, so I felt he may not have a chance of getting a home quickly and be stuck in rescue for quite some time.
And although he has been no bother here, gets on well with my cats and is ok with the kids etc, my kids are well trained
There is a but.........
Oliver has for the past month or so been spraying all over my house, it's starting to stink of cat pee
I think the reason is because of my others, he is trying to mark his terrotry, although they dont fight and never have. His owner said he has been neutered so this is obviously the reason for it. I also dont think this is fair on my cats as although they are fine with him, Im sure they dont want the "intruder" taking over their place. Ted is very much boss cat
Oliver has also started to attack my rabbits
My rabbits have free range of the back garden, they always have done and I dont feel it would be fair on them to deny them this, not now when its what they are used to.
He will stalk them, then chase, then bop them. He's quite a big cat so I think he could cause them some damage if he wanted. My others dont bother the rabbits at all.
So Im in 2 minds here, I need to do whats best for all, my cats, Oliver and my bunns
But I really dont know what else I could try with Oliver, I think he needs to be in a home as an only cat
Any thoughts?