Oh this kind of thing really makes my blood boil. I cannot ever understand people who have animals and don't consider them part of the family. Suzie has been sick a few times recently and I'm taking her to the vet on Wednesday to get her checked out. Unfortunately as she spends all her time in the bedroom and 99.9999999999999% of this time on my bed then that's where she is going to be sick and that is usually over the duvet/bedlothes and pillow and occasionally me and I've been woken a few times at 3 in the morning to be greeted by her being sick next to me/over me in the bed. I told someone at work and they said something like "oh how disgusting, I could never put up with that, how do you cope?". I replied it's not disgusting and it's quite simple how I cope, I get up, clear up the mess and we carry on". I have switched her food around and this has helped and she is drinking water at her normal rate. I have got special "sensitivity" biscuits and two types of "sensitivity" wet food as well as trying her on bottled water. The best thing that she will eat has been the "Whiskas - Oh so fishy", sardine, haddock and cod flavours as they don't seem to be rich and full of jelly or gravy. Basically at nearly 17 years old I think that rich food doesn't agree with her but the vets should be able to advise me on that, otherwise she is a grand 'ol girl, still full of love, purrs and affection.
IMO people like that shouldn't be able to keep pets by law, it should be a criminal offense to keep animals unless one can prove that they are kindly treated.