Hi Michelle,
Just caught up with this thread again after Gill pm'd me. Unfortunately, I don't have any of Jet's old blog from C.C. but have written a lot about FLUTD since, and like Teresa, or anyone else who has had experience of a cat suffering with the extreme version of this condition, you never forget the symptoms or the anguish! (e.g. the blocked bladders that ALWAYS occur at midnight!...I can remember many times during those months telling the 'nightwatch' on C.C. that Jet was blocked and I was about to rush him to the hospital)
Anyway, if you don't already know this (and please forgive me if you do...I don't want to teach my grandmother to suck eggs
) cystitis is inflammation of the urinary tract and is often a precursor to full-blown FLUTD (crystals). Cystitis is triggered by irritation to the urinary tract (crystals? or infection) and causes the bladder walls to thicken. Eventually this gunge sloughs off and, coupled with the possibility of crystals within the urinary tract, can lead to the formation of a plug at the opening of the penis, thus causing a blockage and preventing the elimination of urine. Very dangerous!!! Although FLUTD affects both male and female cats, it is only the male cat who is in danger from dying of a blocked bladder because his urethra is long and narrow as opposed to a queen's which is shorter and wider....
A blocked bladder can theoretically cause death within 24 hours so it is always an emergency. Unfortunately FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder) is quite a common condition but is usually successfully controlled by a prescription diet which regulates the PH balance within the urinary tract. If the bladder is blocked or suspected of blocking, a catheter is inserted until the urine runs clear and the cat is able to pass urine easily on his own. Obviously medication is given and relaxants for the sphincter muscle as well. In Jet's case it was not so much that his urinary tract created lots of crystals, it was more that his sphincter muscle would go into spasm every time the catheter was removed...so another would need to be inserted and so on and so forth...Sometimes he would not be discharged from the hospital for nearly two weeks! A penilectomy was his only hope...and he underwent this operation on Jan 6th two years ago. Just hours before (a little after midnight) I had rushed him into the hospital once again for unblocking and and was so upset because I thought this would put his op back another month (it had been scheduled for 12th Jan but I had been told that the operation couldn't take place unless Jet had been clear for at least a fortnight), so after being reassured by the emergency vet that Jet was comfy again at just past 7 am, I went to bed to get some sleep. I awoke at 10 am to find messages from the vets and my hubs advising me that Jet was undergoing his op that day!!! I shall never forget because it was my birthday. So I slept through the whole trauma but I needn't have worried because it transpired to be the best thing he could ever have had done.
I shall be available for questions later
Hope that helps Michelle.
Lots of love and special wishes to Freddie....he must be in such a lot of discomfort and pain..bless him...